Tracy Winfree

TRACY WINFREE, (she/her) Currently a Senior Partner at CDR Associates, is a collaborative leader in Transportation, Public Works and Land Management. Prior to joining CDR, Tracy鈥檚 career established deep and diverse experience in policy development, strategic and master planning, regional collaboration, stakeholder relationship building, organizational operations and business practices, and change leadership. Tracy served 18 years as Department Director for three different City of 色吧亚洲 departments, including Transportation. Tracy鈥檚 tenure in Transportation included regional and local multimodal corridor planning and innovations creating lasting community connections.
Tracy has a degree in Architecture with Honors from Princeton University.
色吧亚洲 residents since 1991, Tracy and her husband have raised a family in 色吧亚洲 and enjoy the many outdoor activities available in 色吧亚洲 and across Colorado.